My name is Aden  and I have a story to tell you. Its not one of immense interest to most people, in fact. Anyone and everyone I have ever met couldn’t care less about my short pathetic existence… so why then am I speaking to you? Why write a novel no one wants to hear? Because you must know what your in the middle of. I need you to understand. Something, I fear may never happen, I come to you as a messenger warning you that there are things out there that even I don’t fully understand… things far beyond your control.  But what do my warnings matter when faced with the prejudice of you people? I am not the villain of this story, twirling my mustache betwixt my fingers while the helpless damsel cries. Nor am I mad!  For if I were a crazed man would I be able to tell you the account of what has befallen me, calmly, and sanely?
     Before I go on it must be known that I don‘t expect you to like me, I don‘t expect you to understand my logic.  In fact, if you want to get right down to it I guess I write this for no one but myself. Guess I’ve never been much of a crowd pleaser. I don't care if you hate me. What do I care if you don’t want to hear what I am trying to tell you? I don’t care if you decide to throw my book down, leave it on a bench, or toss it in the garbage can. Because the simple fact of the matter is I know you don't care for me no one ever has.
    No. I don't want you to do all that. The whole reason I'm metaphorically pouring out my soul is because I need you, I have always needed you. You’re always in my ear whispering to me aren’t you? And  I must confess I crave your attention. I want you to love me don't you understand?
    Sigh again
    But where was I going? oh yeah, the whole reason I write my life down for you to read is because I want to open your eyes. Open your minds to things that chances are you have never even thought of. You must understand what I suffer, its only fair after all.
    A beat
    Shall I properly introduce myself? I really think its time I do that. After all, I am the main and only character you need be concerned about. My name is Aden Da Nerezza. It was once said by I don't know who that the name is Italian meaning "from darkness" and considering my past I have to say its more than fitting. But we will arrive at that moment soon enough. I stand at 6ft 1 with a very lean figure. My face is sharp and I have fairly long dark brown hair that just about covers my eyebrows. My eyes are a muddy brown, one of those unfortunate traits inherited from my father. My nose is narrow and proportioned to the rest of my face. I have features that are always continuously animated. It can look very mean at times, this face, but then again I suppose it could look very generous.
    Do you still want to know who and what I am? Then read further; I am a sinner ladies and gentlemen. Nothing more, nothing less. I remember when I was whole complete, innocent...

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